Classic salmon and avocado tartare is liked not only by the French, but also by my household. Fresh or lightly salted salmon in combination with avocado - does not leave them indifferent. Having tried this recipe once, I cook tartare like this all the time.
- Salmon - 400 g
- Avocado - 1 piece
- Bow purple - 1 piece
- Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.l
- Olive oil - 1 h.l .
- Dill - 20 g
Step-by-step cooking recipe
Finely chop the red onion and dill, mix well, add salt to taste and pepper.
Finely dice the salmon. Slice the avocado and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Mix the salmon and onion, and leave them to marinate for 5 minutes.
Use the cooking circle to collect tartare. Put the salmon and onion on the bottom, and then a layer of avocado. To serve, you can fry a couple of baguette croutons and put them to the tartare.
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