Spicy stew of chicken and champignons in a slow cooker

For many years I have tried different recipes for stew and realized that it tastes best in a slow cooker. The flavors of the ingredients are surprisingly combined, complementing and decorating each other. Even hot pepper harmoniously fits into the "overall picture".
- Chicken fillet - 400 g
- Champignons - 300 g
- Onion - 1 piece
- Hot red pepper - 1 pod
- Garlic - 4 clove
- Soy sauce - 2 tbsp.l.
- Vegetable oil - 2 art.l.
- Tomato sauce - 100 ml
- Bay leaf - 2 pieces
- Hops-suneli - 0,5 tsp.
- Salt - to taste
- Vegetable broth - 300 ml
Step-by-step cooking recipe
Chop the chicken fillet, mushrooms and peeled onions.
Cut the red pepper in half, peel the seeds and chop.
Turn on the "Frying" program, heat the oil and fry the chicken fillet for 7-10 minutes. Each piece should be browned on all sides.
Add onion, red pepper, soy sauce and continue cooking for 3-5 minutes.
Add champignons, suneli hops and bay leaves. Fry until the moisture evaporates completely.
Add the broth, tomato sauce, salt and garlic passed through the press. Close the lid and cook for 35-40 minutes in the "Stewing" mode.