Beef stroganoff with champignons and bell pepper in a slow cooker

After this recipe, you won't want to go back to frying pans and cauldrons. It is easy to cook such dishes in a slow cooker, and most importantly — they always turn out very tasty. Keep in mind that the finished beef stroganoff must certainly infuse for 10-15 minutes.
- Beef - 500 g
- Bell pepper - 200 g
- Champignons - 300 g
- Onion - 1 piece
- Flour - 2 art.l.
- Sour cream - 50 g
- Tomato sauce - 100 ml
- Vegetable oil - 4 art.l.
- Ground black pepper - to taste
- Salt - to taste
- Water - 150 ml
Step-by-step cooking recipe
Cut the beef into thin strips.
Chop the champignons, peeled onions and bell peppers.
In the "Frying" mode, heat half the oil, pour in the beef and fry for 5-7 minutes. The pieces should be well browned.
Add flour, stir and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Transfer the meat to a separate bowl.
Heat the remaining oil in the bowl of a slow cooker, add the onion and fry until golden brown.
Add the bell pepper and cook for 7-10 minutes.
Pour in the champignons and fry until the moisture evaporates completely.
Transfer the beef to the mushrooms, add sour cream, tomato sauce, salt and ground pepper.
Pour in the water, close the lid and simmer for 1.5 hours on the "Quenching" mode.