Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and semolina in the oven

Looking for a simple recipe for a delicious curd casserole with raisins? This is exactly what I have prepared for you! There will be no difficulties in the process. Prepare the necessary ingredients, read everything carefully and get down to business!
- Cottage cheese - 500 g
- Sour cream - 150 g
- Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
- Semolina - 3 tbsp.l .
- Raisins - 100 g
- Baking powder dough - 0,5 tsp.
- Vanilla Essence - 1 drop
- Sugar - 2 art.l.
- Salt - 0,25 tsp.
- Butter (to lubricate the mold) – 20 g
Step-by-step cooking recipe
Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve. Thanks to this, the casserole will turn out tender and airy.
In a deep bowl, whisk the eggs with sour cream, sugar and salt.
Add cottage cheese, semolina, baking powder, vanilla essence and leave for 15 minutes.
Wash the raisins, pour boiling water and cover for 10 minutes.
Put the raisins on a paper towel and dry them.
Pour the raisins into a bowl with the curd mass and mix well again.
Grease the bottom and sides of the prepared mold with butter.
Pour the prepared mass and send it to the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.