In summer I often harvest cherries in syrup. According to this recipe, 2 liters of fragrant delicacy are obtained, which I use in winter as a filling for dumplings and pies, as a sauce for cheesecakes and pancakes, and even as a compote, diluting the syrup with cherries with boiled water.
- Cherry - 1 kg
- Sugar - 500 g
- Water - 1 l
Step-by-step cooking recipe
Sort the cherry, remove the stems, rinse. Using a toothpick in each cherry, make a couple of punctures so that the berries do not boil in the process and give the syrup some of the juice and color.
Fill pre-sterilized jars with cherries for about ⅔.
Put the purified water (with a reserve) on the fire and bring to a boil, then pour the cherries in jars to the very top. Cover with lids and leave to infuse for at least 20 minutes.
Drain the liquid from the jars of cherries into a measuring container and, depending on the amount of liquid, add sugar (250 g for every 0.5 liters of liquid), mix well, bring to a boil over high heat and boil for another 5-10 minutes.
Pour the boiling syrup carefully into jars with cherries, roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it up and leave it for a day to cool down.
Transfer the cooled cherries in syrup to a dark, cool place for storage and after a month you can take the first sample.